

Dalgona Coffee Followed after COVID-19 Drive-thru and Diagnostic Kit

  • 기사입력 2020.04.14 09:39
  • 최종수정 2020.04.14 09:43
  • 기자명 이혜선 기자
[Image Source: Shutterstock]
[Image Source: Shutterstock]

[Influencenews I Hyeseon LEE, Correspondent] Dalgona coffee is booming after "Drive-thru" for the diagnosis of the COVID-19, a Korean-style diagnostic kit, which is being introduced and received love calls from each country.

According to foreign media, the New York Times on Tuesday reported South Korea's "Dalgona Coffee," which has recently become popular on YouTube and SNS.

The way to make Dalgona coffee is to stir instant coffee, sugar, and hot water. Since actor Jung Il-woo introduced on a broadcast program, K-pop stars such as BTS and TWICE have posted a series of videos making, spreading like a trend.

According to NYT, actor Jung Il-woo introduced Dalgona coffee, which appeared on a program. He then explained in detail how to make Dalgona coffee in five stages.

The New York Post also reported last month how to drink Dalgona coffee at home in the aftermath of COVID-19. The New York Post reported that Dalgona coffee is quickly gaining attention through YouTube.

The New York Post also reported about how to drink Dalgona coffee at home during the social distancing campaign.

British public broadcaster BBC also introduced the Dalgona coffee craze as a "Korean-style coffee snack."

Foreign media's interest in Korea, which started with COVID-19, is not yesterday or today, including "Drive-thru" and "Korean-style diagnostic kit."

Korea's first drive-through diagnostic method was benchmarked in major countries such as the United States, Australia, Germany, Belgium, and Denmark.

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